iPhone PWA Prompt, Siberian PWA Demo

Siberian PWA Demo

Scan QR Code (or click here) for a live demo of the Siberian PWA.

Android: After scanning, open PWA URL in Google Chrome browser in your android, you will see an install prompt at footer.

iPhone: After scanning, open PWA URL in Safari Browser, you will see informative iPhone install popup.

Install PWA (Add it to Homescreen) to test the Splash Screen.

Subscribe to push notification to test a success message.

Note: For Desktop, Open PWA URL in Google Chrome Browser, you will see + icon in the addressbar.

You can also add a custom domain. Click here for a demo of it.

You can customise the look of Desktop PWA using CSS. Click here for a demo of it.

PWA Creator Module Demo

Visit: https://appzadmin.com

Login with Email: demo@demo.com and Password: pwademo123

Create a new App with your name or company name.

Then Go to Left Side Menu >> Modules >> PWA Creator

(1) Fill PWA Details & Configure Popups

(2) Generate & Publish PWA

(3) Copy PWA Link & Open in Browser

PWA CReator Editor Siberian CMS Modules