Siberian PWA Module

• Latest version of modules:

• PWA BackOffice Module - v3.0.0

• PWA Creator Editor Module - v3.1.0

• PWA Push Module - v3.0.0

• PWA Push List Module - v1.0.1 & v1.1.1

• PWA creator module update - v3.1.0 (Date: 3 July - 2024)

- Info: All published PWAs need to be updated with any missing details (as indicated in the alerts) and republished.

- Added: Whole new section - PWA Custom Install Android Popup. Click here for more info.

- Added: Whole new section - PWA Richer Install UI. Click here for more info.

- Updated: External push sender now uses the FCM HTTP V1 API for push sending. If you're using an external push sender page, PWA regeneration is required.

- Updated: External push sender page UI now uses bootstrap v5.2.

- Updated: External push sender image upload now uses your own Imgur client ID.

- Added: An error will be displayed if the external push sender is enabled and the push page password field is empty.

- Updated: PE valid subscription activator is updated, so now if the subscription isn't valid, it will restrict access to the PWA editor module.

- Added: Alternative method if ZipArchive class isn't available on the server.

- Updated: Refactored some code for additional validation and better performance.

- Updated: Module translations.

- Updated: Module documentation.

• PWA push module update - v3.0.0 (Date: 19 June - 2024)

- Updated: PWA push sending method from FCM legacy server api to FCM HTTP V1 API.

- Added: Whole new section in the pwa push backoffice module to import firebase service account json and test token generation.

- Added: Whole new section in the pwa push backoffice module for firebase vapid key management.

- Removed: Firebase legacy server key section.

- Added: Separate imgur init file for image upload in the external push sender page.

- Added: Implemented a logic to validate tokens during push sending and expired tokens will be automatically marked as invalid, so in next push send, it will have a fresh list of valid tokens only.

- Added: Four different methods to send push using CURL HTTP/2 Batch, CURL HTTP/2 Multiplexing, Guzzle HTTP Batch, Guzzle HTTP Promises.

- Added: Two new informative alerts for push image in the push sender editor module.

- Updated: External push sender page config files and required db update.

- Updated: FCM token api for saving push tokens and push send api for external push sender page.

- Updated: Tokens table structure with new columns.

- Updated: External push sender page URL path changed.

- Updated: Module translations.

- Updated: Module documentation.

• PWA push module update - v2.0.0 (Date: 9 May - 2024)

- Added: Imgur client id section in the Pwa Push backoffice module, so that you can use your own imgur client id for pwa push image upload. This will fix the push image upload (quota exceed) issue in the editor push sender module.

- Updated: Module translations.

- Updated: Module documentation.

• PWA backoffice module update - v3.0.0 (Date: 8 June - 2023)

- Removed: PWA activator using appurlkey.

- Updated: PWA statistics with old, new & migrated PWAs information.

- Added: Custom javascript section to edit a js file from the backoffice.

- Updated: Module translations.

- Updated: Module documentation.

• PWA creator module update - v3.0.0 (Date: 8 June - 2023)

- Info: All published PWAs need to be updated with any missing details (as indicated in the alerts) and republished.

- Added: PWA web push support on major web push supported browsers including iOS Safari 16.4+ (Standalone mode), macOS Safari 16 on macOS Ventura or higher etc.

- Added: Whole new section - PWA push subscribe prompt details to manage push subscribe prompt, subscribe success message and welcome push notification. Click here for more info.

- Added: Whole new section - Cookie consent details to manage cookie consent popup. Click here for more info.

- Updated: Separate sections for PWA details & PWA generation to organise everything properly & minimise the pageload.

- Migrated: From SqLite3 database to default Siberian database for saving details of PWA, popups, push prompt & cookie consent. All the required work for database related things will be done by our team for all existing customers.

- Added: General javascript file to apply JS code to all PWAs at once for future purpose.

- Added: Check device function to add android, ios and desktop css class to body tag.

- Updated: PWA link QR code from qr server api to local qr generation so no any free quota limit exceed issue.

- Updated: Lot of other minor changes in PWA.

- Updated: Editor UI updated with section wise separate pages, useful alerts etc.

- Updated: Module translations.

- Updated: Module documentation.

• PWA creator module update - v2.2.0 (Date: 29 September - 2022)

- Info: All published PWAs need to be republished.

- Updated: PWA iOS splash screens for all iPhone & iPad devices. Click here for more info.

- Added: Informative text alert in the upload PWA icon section.

- Added: External push sender option default visibility is hidden. You can enable it from the backoffice Pwa Push module.

- Added: PWA self-activator for PE valid subscriptions. You can enable it from the backoffice Pwapp module.

- Added: Hidden PWA javascript section for advanced customisation of PWA.

- Updated: Module translations.

- Updated: Module documentation.

• PWA push module update - v1.8.0 (Date: 29 September - 2022)

- Added: External push sender section in the Pwa Push backoffice module.

- Added: Informative text alert for image upload in the editor push sender.

- Added: Image preview in the editor push sender.

- Added: Push repeat option to fill form fields just by one click from the previously sent push.

- Updated: Push list table UI slightly updated.

- Updated: Module translations.

- Updated: Module documentation.

• PWA backoffice module update - v2.0.0 (Date: 22 September - 2021)

- Added: New PWA self-activator option so that users can self activate PWA from the editor.

- Added: New PWA information pop-up into published PWA list table.

- Added: PWA statistics with total number of activated & published PWAs

- Added: Backoffice standard action messages.

- Added: PWA delete buttons into list table as action buttons.

- Updated: Module fully updated and now no more page reloads for form actions.

- Updated: Module translations.

- Updated: Module documentation.

- Updated: Module compatible with Siberian MAE/PE v4.20.16 and above.

• PWA creator module update - v2.0.0 (Date: 22 September - 2021)

- Info: All published PWAs need to be republished.

- Added: New PWA custom CSS section for changing the look of desktop PWA.

- Added: Allowed the access of module on iPad chrome browser.

- Added: View PWA icon button.

- Updated: Copy button click alert with toastr notifications.

- Updated: Open graph meta tags for twitter.

- Updated: Hide the iPhone install pop-up on the iOS chrome browser.

- Updated: Editor access user-roles for PWA creator editor module.

- Updated: Upload progress bar percentage value in two digits only.

- Updated: Module translations.

- Updated: Module documentation.

- Updated: Module compatible with Siberian MAE/PE v4.20.16 and above.

• Launched the new add-on PWA push list app feature module (Date: 5 August - 2021)

• PWA push module update - v1.6.0 (Date: 4 August - 2021)

- Added: Push list API for the upcoming push list app feature module.

- Added: Backoffice standard action messages for firebase config & server key save action.

- Updated: Editor access user-roles for PWA push sender editor module.

- Added: Push delete button into push list table with toastr notifications.

- Removed: Separate time consuming push delete section.

- Updated: Limit of displaying last sent PWA push messages to 30 instead of 20.

- Updated: Module compatible with Siberian MAE/PE v4.20.0 and above.

• PWA creator module update - v1.2.0 (Date: 30 October - 2020)

- Added: Option for the configuration of a request activation button.

• Official release (Date: 5 October - 2020)

- Added: Editor access user-roles for PWA creator editor module.

- Added: Editor access user-roles for PWA push sender editor module.

- Added: Placeholder languages translations.

• Pre-release updates (Date: 24 September - 2020)

- Bug fixed: Special character issue.

- Bug fixed: Meta tags issue for iOS.

- Bug fixed: Input color visibility issue.

- Bug fixed: File permissions issue for CPanel.

- Added: QR code for custom domain.

- Added: Auto page refresh after custom domain add/remove.

- Added: Languages translations.

- Added: Spellcheck false for form inputs.

• Demo beta release for existing customers (Date: 22 September - 2020)